Sinead O’Brien - Drowning In Blessings


Speedy Wunderground are really spoiling us.

Having helped to launch some of the most vital music over the last few years (Squid, black midi, The Lounge Society and Black Country, New Road to name a few), the label have now compiled one of Ireland’s hottest prospect’s recent singles onto one EP.

Yes, the Emerald Isle maintains its outstanding contemporary track record for music, although Sinead O’Brien hasn’t just relied on her heritage. Now based in London having spent time in Paris with Chanel (and now working for Vivienne Westwood), O’Brien found her calling when invited to perform at a spoken word gig at The Windmill in Brixton. Despite being unprepared, the buzz generated from the set caught the attention of no less a luminary than the legendary John Cooper Clarke.


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